Learn for yourself, or inspire your children! These courses make it easy for anyone to learn popular Indian devotional songs in a fun, relaxed environment. Our new shloka courses have been specifically designed to help children learn.
A pack of 15 devotional songs Self learning courses listed below, each with its own OMBook. You will find instuctional videos, lyrics, notations, practice/recording tools and more inside the OMBooks You can submit one practice recording per co…
Learning these beautiful yet simple Dikshithar Kritis will help you strengthen your understanding of the audava ragas (pentatonic scales) The three ragas covered are shuddha Saveri , Mohanam and Karnataka shuddha saveri This course teach…
Understand and sing the Suprabhatam – a devotional song written in the praise of the Hindu God Lord Vishnu. Focuses on teaching students how to musically render the 28 stanzas of the composition with the right enunciation and pitch